Competitiveness, excellences and quality are strategic issues and a big agenda and of Bandung and Bali Institute of Tourism (STP) and the Deputy of Tourism Institutional Development of the Ministry of Tourism. To realize their vision and mission, the two institutions are faced with a number of challenges especially regarding the resources (educators, physical facilities, finance). Therefore, in this tight and fast-changing era of globalization, efforts to conduct and develop strategic alliances with all stakeholders is a must. This study aims to determine and assess empirical overview of strategic issues faced and strategies undertaken in response to the needs of human resource development as well as future strategic alliances that were done by STPs to respond to global competition. This study uses a qualitative method with case study approach, and the data is collecting technique used is interview, observation and document study. The sampling technique used is purposive. The analysis of data is performed through the display data, data reduction and verification of data through triangulation process. The results shows that in facing the global competition STPs are faced with a number of internal and external strategic challenges, and to achieve their goals it can not be done alone but they should form an alliance with all stakeholders. STP performs various strategic measures through the internal and external improvement. Strategic alliances with other institutions is done by focusing on the improvement of the quality of education towards the world class tourism, giving the priority on the provision of education (joint program), on the job training, recruitment of graduates, the support of the development of tourism educational institutions, and optimization of the implementation of the three responsibilities, both in terms of quantity and quality, as well as the establishment of a research culture for the teachers.