A 9-yr large-scale integrated pest management (IPM) study was initiated in 1985 to develop and refine profitable conservation cropping systems in the Palouse wheat-growing region of the Pacific Northwest, Weed scientists from the USDA-ARS and the land-grant universities of ID and WA led a team of researchers and extension personnel from eight disciplines to investigate the interactions of crop systems, tillage systems, and weed management levels (WR;LL) on crop production, Ineffective weed control has been a major deterrent to the adoption of conservation tillage by wheat growers, With this in mind, the primary focus of the scientists on the IPM project was integrated weed management (IWM) in conservation crop production systems for highly erodible land, For the first time in the Pacific Northwest, systems research developed a conservation production system using a 3-yr crop rotation that controlled weeds effectively, reduced erosion, was less risky than traditional farming systems, and was profitable, Broadleaf weeds were more prevalent in the 3-yr rotation of winter wheat-spring barley-spring pea compared to continuous wheat in both conservation and conventional tillage systems, In conservation tillage, troublesome grass weeds included wild oat and downy brome, Wild oat was controlled effectively at the moderate and maximum weed management levels under conservation tillage in the 3-yr rotation, Two years out of winter wheat (such as in the 3-yr rotation) reduced downy brome populations, In contrast, growing a spring crop 1 yr, followed by 2 yr of winter wheat was not effective for controlling downy brome. Effective weed control was instrumental in developing successful conservation IPM cropping systems, and education and technology transfer were important in helping action agencies assist growers in adopting these systems.