The Mintek Thermal Magnesium Process (MTMP) process is based on DC open arc metallothermic smelting of calcined dolomite at normal pressure and temperatures of 1650-1750 degrees C. The process was demonstrated at the pilot scale in the period 2000-2004. Major changes to the MTMP pilot plant were made throughout the development period, which lasted for about five years. The changes included design and installation of new equipment, modification of existing equipment, changes in the metallurgical approach in terms of feed rates, feed recipes, furnace operating temperatures, cold and hot dolime feeding, and steady and systematic changes in the operating procedures and maintenance of the plant. As a result, the performance of the pilot plant gradually improved from one campaign to the next, in terms of availability and in particular the condensation efficiency. In Run 10, the process was successfully demonstrated over an 8-day campaign.