The number of days required to complete financial statement audits (i.e., audit delay) increased significantly with the implementation of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX, U.S. House of Representatives 2002). As firms in-house experts on internal control, Internal Audit Functions (IAFs) can substantially affect financial reporting processes and, thus, audit delay. Internal auditors can help management maintain strong internal controls and assist external auditors with financial statement audits. Accordingly, we investigate whether IAF quality and the IAF's contribution to financial statement audits affect audit delay in a sample of 292 firm-year observations drawn from the pre-SOX 404 period. Using survey data from the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), we develop a comprehensive proxy for IAF quality; we measure different aspects of IAF quality (e.g., competence, objectivity, fieldwork rigor); and we measure the nature of the IAF's contribution to financial statement audits (independently performed work and direct assistance). Results indicate audit delay is decreasing in IAF quality, and this decrease is driven by IAF competence and fieldwork quality. Delay is four days shorter when IAFs contribute to external audits by independently performing relevant work. High-quality IAFs contribute to financial statement audits by independently performing relevant work, while low-quality IAFs provide direct assistance.