Purpose: The aim of this study was to realize whether soil mulching, with different plastic mulch colors, is a suitable practice for the culture of pickling cucumber.Materials and Methods: The crop was cultured or not with black, silver/black, white/black, and aluminum/black plastic films, treatments were evaluated in randomized complete block design, to determine their effect on soil temperature, gas exchange, nutrient concentration, growth, and fruit yield.Results and Conclusions: Black, silver/black, and aluminum/black plastic mulches were higher (p0.05) in plant height, leaf area, and shoot dry weight than bare soil at 15 days after sowing, whose results were similar than using white/black film. Maximum, minimum, and mean soil temperatures were higher with all plastic mulches except for aluminum/black, in which the maximum soil temperature was similar to the one in bare soil. There was no difference in net photosynthesis and there was very little difference in nutrient concentration between plants in plastic mulches and plants in bare soil; however, early and total yield showed a higher (p0.05) yield in all plastic mulches, and lower with bare soil and white/black plastic mulch. Our results confirm that soil mulching impacts the pickling cucumber yield. We suggest a carefull selection of the color plastic mulch.