The aim of the present work was to examine the inter-relationship between elements in human hair depending on gender. In the whole population, the following groups of correlated elements were identified: alkaline earth metals (Ba, Ca, Mg, Sr), major microelements (Cu, Mn, Si, Zn) and La, Ti. In the subpopulation of males, the (Ag, Al, As, Fe) group was additionally included, whereas in the group of females (Ag, Al, Fe, Zr) was included. The group of alkali metals (Li, Na, K) and P was particularly visible in the group of males. In the group of females correlations among (Al, Co, Fe, K, Ti) were stronger than in males. In both sexes correlations between Mo, B and V (in females additionally Bi was present) and Bi-Co were found. Only in hair of males (Cd, Fe, Mn) and (Cu, Na, P) were detected, and the group of (As, Co, Cr, Fe, K. Ti) was detected only in females. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.