conserved charge;
Kerr-AdS black hole;
ADT formalism;
D O I:
O4 [物理学];
0702 ;
In this note, the off-shell generalized Abbott-Deser-Tekin (ADT) formalism is applied to explore the mass of Kerranti-de Sitter (Kerr-AdS) black holes in various dimensions within asymptotically rotating frames. The cases in four and five dimensions are explicitly investigated. It is demonstrated that the asymptotically rotating effect may make the charge non-integrable or unphysical when the asymptotic non-rotating timelike Killing vector associated with the charge is allowed to vary and the fluctuation of the metric is determined by the variation of all the mass and rotation parameters. To obtain a physically meaningful mass, it is proposed that one can let the non-rotating timelike Killing vector be fixed or perform calculations in the asymptotically static frame. The results further support that the ADT formalism is background dependent.