The sorbed P/P in solution relation of the soil may be affected by the previously sorbed P (P-Pre) content and by soil management systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate modifications in the maximum P sorption capacity (P-max) and the constant related to the colloid linkage energy (k) of the Langmuir isotherm caused (a) by the inclusion of P-pre, and (b) by different soil tillage methods and crop sequences. In May 1997, samples of two Oxisols (Very clayey Hapludox and Clayey Hapludox) and an Ultisol (Paleudult) were collected in three soil layers (0-2.5, 2.5-7.5 and 7.5-17.5 cm) of three field experiments, installed from 1979 on, under conventional and no tillage systems with different crop sequences. The samples were equilibrated with eight P levels in 0.001 mol L-1 CaCl2 solution. After 16 h of shaking, the P content in the supernatant was determined. The sorbed and solution P data were adjusted to the Langmuir equation, and P-max and k parameters determined by considering Ppre or not. On average, the inclusion of P-pre in the Langmuir equation increased the k value 2.9 times, but did not affect P-max in the very clayey Hapludox, which increased in all soil layers of the clayey Hapludox and in the surface layer of the Paleudult. P-max was little affected by the soil tillage methods, crop sequence or soil layers.