Besides physical and psychic health, majority, as well as a complete understanding of nature and risks of an organ donation, the two most important requirements are: absolute voluntariness, i.e. absence of coercion, and altruism, i.e. no financial or personal benefit. By the absence of any personal or emotional dependence on the recipient an anonymous, non-directed donation only is absolutely voluntary, because nobody expects that act. Under the condition that the allocation follows the rules of a computer based selection as practised in cadaveric organ allocation, any advantageous influence of the donor is impossible. As a consequence the non-directed donation only meets all demands made by the society and legislation, and therefore seems to be the ideal form of donation. So it is absolutely incomprehensible that for instance the German legislation which in particular on the one hand requires altruism and voluntariness on the other hand prohibits an anonymous i.e. non-directed organ donation.