A royal proclamation is a historical event with high media relevance. The main objective of the research focuses on analysing the information processing of the proclamation ceremony of Philp VI in the general Spanish press. On the methodological basis of content analysis, a sample of 301 units of analysis is selected from three genres (informative, interpretative and opinion) from the newspapers: El Pais, ABC and La Vanguardia, from June 16 to 22, 2014. Subsequently, in a self-made computer-generated coding table, two levels of analysis are applied; a basic level on those 301 units and a second study in depth carried out on 119 informative units to study and evaluate the differences in the general content of the piece, from a textual and photographic point of view. Regarding the framing, in ABC and El Pais most of the pieces are included in the National section, which indicates that the predominant formal frame is National, while in La Vanguardia, as they are published in the political section, the framing is political. As a particularity, in ABC there are specific informative frames which create their own sections for the event. In addition, the three newspapers include in the headband, the crown or the coat of arms, showing a clear iconographic identification that alludes to the Royal House. In conclusion, it is evident that there are significant differences among the three newspapers. Regarding the protagonists, scenarios and symbolism, the processing is similar, with ABC standing out in news coverage.