In the last ten years, Brazil has been suffering from economic variations, bringing insecurity to the macroeconomic context that, therefore, makes it difficult to definitively come out of the crisis. Government policy measures have largely focused on economic growth, rather than encouraging sustainable development aimed at improving the economy, society, and the environment. The civil construction sector, responsible for a large portion of the Brazilian economy, plays a key role in this context, because despite its economic importance, this is the sector that generates the most environmental and social liabilities in the country. In this scenario, this work has as its main objective: to provide subsidies that can help in the decision making process for the establishment of public policies that promote sustainable practices, from the perception of civil construction companies. In this scenario, this paper presents its main objective: to provide support that can assist in decision making for establishing public policies that promote sustainable practices, from the perception of civil construction companies. The research involved a literature review related to the topics Sustainability, Eco-efficiency, Civil Construction, Green Buildings, and Tax Incentives, adopting as a methodology the use of interviews with companies from the civil construction sector to validate the proposals of possible public policies. This is a bibliographical, documental, and field study, with direct and applied observation. The work resulted in proposed improvements for the Public Administration to optimize its policies of promoting eco-efficiency, such as reducing the bureaucracy of processes for obtaining licenses and transparency of information on public policies, encouraging organizations in the civil construction sector to improve their activities in terms of reducing the production of solid waste and emissions of polluting gases, without hindering the economic development of these companies.