This study aims to analyze end-of-life care practices carried out at a hospice institution located in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Based on a qualitative research methodology, ethnographic fieldwork was carried out between 2016 and 2020. Fieldwork included participant observation of the day-to-day work of diverse volunteer teams and nursing professionals, which was complemented with informal conversations and two surveys. Additionally, semi-structured interviews with key actors were conducted. The data collected reflect some of the values of hospice care that directly challenge the biomedical model, such as integrality, holism, and respect for the autonomy of the sick person. This article puts forth the hypothesis that care as a constitutive practice of human interaction - produces and reproduces values that make up the structures of social life. Therefore, analyzing care practices in non-clinical contexts, based on proposals that seek to humanize the context of health care, provides tools to think critically about the values that structure our health system.