In regions of Australia of low-medium rainfall (500-800 mm/year), there is growing community and land-owner support for re-planting trees to achieve multiple environmental objectives, particularly amelioration of soil salinity. Sequestration of carbon by newly established trees is not only another important environmental benefit, but also a potential commercial benefit. To obtain estimates of carbon sequestered by species of commercial potential in such regions, we calibrated the carbon (C) accounting model FullCAM to Eucalyptus cladocalyx and Corymbia maculata plantations. This was achieved by harvesting trees of a range in sizes to determine the allometric relationships that most accurately predict biomass and stem density from measures of stein diameter. Predictions of stem diameter were obtained from a forest growth model (3-PG) previously calibrated for these two species. By applying these predictions of changes in stein diameter as the stand matures in out- allometric relationships, we estimated changes in partitioning of biomass (between stem, branches, bark, foliage and roots) and stem wood density as the stand matures under scenarios of 500, 600 and 750 mm mean annual rainfall. We found that for both species, regardless of annual rainfall, throughout the rotation 37-50% of carbon sequestered in the total tree biomass was in the stein, 18-27% in both branches and roots, and the remainder in foliage or bark. However, rate of accumulation of carbon was dependent on annual rainfall, with average annual rate of sequestration of carbon in tree biomass and litter during the first rotation of E. cladocalyx (or C. maculata) increasing from 3.68 (or 4.17) to 4.72 (or 4.86) Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1) as annual rainfall increased from about 500 to 750 mm. Although it was predicted that decomposition negated any accumulation of debris between successive rotations, carbon was predicted to accumulate in sawlog products, given that assumed rates of product decomposition were slightly less than their rate of accumulation. This resulted in a slight increase (< 8 Mg C ha(-1)) in predicted total sequestration of carbon between successive rotations. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.