The Rural Household Multiple Indicator Survey, data from 13,310 farm households in 21 countries

van Wijk, Mark [1 ]
Hammond, James [1 ]
Gorman, Leo [2 ]
Adams, Sam [1 ]
Ayantunde, Augustine [1 ]
Baines, David [3 ]
Bolliger, Adrian [4 ,5 ]
Bosire, Caroline [1 ]
Carpena, Pietro [3 ]
Chesterman, Sabrina [6 ]
Chinyophiro, Amon [7 ,8 ]
Daudi, Happy [8 ]
Dontsop, Paul [9 ]
Douxchamps, Sabine [4 ]
Emera, Willy Desire [1 ]
Fraval, Simon [1 ,10 ]
Fonte, Steven [11 ]
Hok, Lyda [12 ,13 ]
Kiara, Henry [1 ]
Kihoro, Esther [1 ]
Korir, Luke [1 ]
Lamanna, Christine [6 ]
Long, Chau T. M. [14 ]
Manyawu, Godfrey [1 ]
Mehrabi, Zia [15 ]
Mengistu, Dejene K. [16 ]
Mercado, Leida [17 ]
Meza, Katherin [11 ,18 ]
Mora, Vesalio [19 ]
Mutemi, Jacob [20 ]
Ng'endo, Mary [6 ]
Njingulula, Paulin [9 ]
Okafor, Chris [9 ]
Pagella, Tim [21 ]
Phengsavanh, Phonepaseuth [22 ]
Rao, James [1 ]
Ritzema, Randall [1 ,23 ]
Rosenstock, Todd S. [6 ]
Skirrow, Tom [3 ]
Steinke, Jonathan [16 ]
Stirling, Clare [24 ]
Gabriel Suchini, Jose [17 ]
Teufel, Nils [1 ]
Thorne, Peter [1 ]
Vanek, Steven [11 ]
van Etten, Jacob [16 ]
Vanlauwe, Bernard [9 ]
Wichern, Jannike [25 ]
Yameogo, Viviane [1 ]
[1] ILRI, POB 30709, Nairobi 00100, Kenya
[2] British Lib, Alan Turing Inst, 96 Euston Rd, London NW1 2DB, England
[3] TreeAID, Brunswick Court, Brunswick Sq, Bristol BS2 8PE, Avon, England
[4] CIAT, Asia Reg Off, Hanoi, Vietnam
[5] Hanns R Neumann Stiftung, Kota Liwa 34812, Lampung Barat, Indonesia
[6] World Agroforestry ICRAF, POB 30677-00100,UN Ave, Nairobi, Kenya
[7] NASFAM, African Unity Ave, Lilongwe, Malawi
[8] Tanzania Agr Res Inst Naliendele, Mtwara, Tanzania
[9] IITA, POB 30772-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
[10] Wageningen Univ & Res, Anim Prod Syst Grp, POB 338, NL-6700 AH Wageningen, Netherlands
[11] Colorado State Univ, Dept Soil & Crop Sci, Ft Collins, CO 80523 USA
[12] Royal Univ Agr, Fac Agron, Phnom Penh 12401, Cambodia
[13] Royal Univ Agr, Ctr Excellence Sustainable Agr Intensificat & Nut, Phnom Penh 12401, Cambodia
[14] Western Highlands Agr & Forestry Sci Inst WASI, Buon Ma Thuot, Vietnam
[15] Univ British Columbia, UBC Sch Publ Policy & Global Affairs, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2, Canada
[16] Biovers Int, Rome, Italy
[17] CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica
[18] Grp Yanapai, Calle Tripoli 365, Lima, Peru
[19] Minst Agr & Ganaderia, Siquirres, Costa Rica
[20] Lutheran World Relief, Nairobi, Kenya
[21] Bangor Univ, Sch Nat Sci, Bangor, Gwynedd, Wales
[22] NAFRI, Viangchan, Laos
[23] Olivet Nazarene Univ, One Univ Ave, Bourbonnais, IL 60914 USA
[24] CIMMYT, Int Maize & Wheat Improvement Ctr, Sustainable Intensificat Program, Mexico City, DF, Mexico
[25] Wageningen Univ, Plant Prod Syst Grp, POB 338, NL-6700 AH Wageningen, Netherlands
O [数理科学和化学]; P [天文学、地球科学]; Q [生物科学]; N [自然科学总论];
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The Rural Household Multiple Indicator Survey (RHoMIS) is a standardized farm household survey approach which collects information on 758 variables covering household demographics, farm area, crops grown and their production, livestock holdings and their production, agricultural product use and variables underlying standard socio-economic and food security indicators such as the Probability of Poverty Index, the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale, and household dietary diversity. These variables are used to quantify more than 40 different indicators on farm and household characteristics, welfare, productivity, and economic performance. Between 2015 and the beginning of 2018, the survey instrument was applied in 21 countries in Central America, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. The data presented here include the raw survey response data, the indicator calculation code, and the resulting indicator values. These data can be used to quantify on- and off-farm pathways to food security, diverse diets, and changes in poverty for rural smallholder farm households.
共 50 条
  • [1] The Rural Household Multiple Indicator Survey, data from 13,310 farm households in 21 countries
    Mark van Wijk
    James Hammond
    Leo Gorman
    Sam Adams
    Augustine Ayantunde
    David Baines
    Adrian Bolliger
    Caroline Bosire
    Pietro Carpena
    Sabrina Chesterman
    Amon Chinyophiro
    Happy Daudi
    Paul Dontsop
    Sabine Douxchamps
    Willy Desire Emera
    Simon Fraval
    Steven Fonte
    Lyda Hok
    Henry Kiara
    Esther Kihoro
    Luke Korir
    Christine Lamanna
    Chau T. M. Long
    Godfrey Manyawu
    Zia Mehrabi
    Dejene K. Mengistu
    Leida Mercado
    Katherin Meza
    Vesalio Mora
    Jacob Mutemi
    Mary Ng’endo
    Paulin Njingulula
    Chris Okafor
    Tim Pagella
    Phonepaseuth Phengsavanh
    James Rao
    Randall Ritzema
    Todd S. Rosenstock
    Tom Skirrow
    Jonathan Steinke
    Clare Stirling
    Jose Gabriel Suchini
    Nils Teufel
    Peter Thorne
    Steven Vanek
    Jacob van Etten
    Bernard Vanlauwe
    Jannike Wichern
    Viviane Yameogo
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