In this paper we study both the Cauchy problem and the initial boundary value problem for the equation partial derivative(t)u+div(Delta del u-g(del u))= 0. This equation has been proposed as a continuum model for kinetic roughening and coarsening in thin films. In the Cauchy problem, we obtain that local existence of a weak solution is guaranteed as long as the vector-valued function g is continuous and the initial datum u(0) lies in C-1(R-N) with del u(0)(x) being uniformly continuous and bounded on R-N, and that the global existence assertion also holds true if we assume that g is locally Lipschitz and satisfies the growth condition vertical bar g(xi)vertical bar <= c vertical bar xi vertical bar(alpha) a for some c > 0, alpha is an element of (2,3), sup(R)N vertical bar del u(0)vertical bar < infinity, and the norm of u(0) in the space L(alpha-1)N/3-alpha (R-N) is sufficiently small. This is done by exploring various properties of the biharmonic heat kernel. In the initial boundary value problem, we assume that g is continuous and satisfies the growth condition vertical bar g(xi)vertical bar <= c vertical bar xi vertical bar(alpha) + c for some c, alpha is an element of (0,infinity). Our investigations reveal that if alpha <= 1 we have global existence of a weak solution, while if 1 < alpha < N-2+2N+4/N-2 only a local existence theorem can be established. Our method here is based upon a new interpolation inequality, which may be of interest in its own right.