This study deals with the analysis of global trends within the labor market, which are relevant for the economic development especially in the developed Western European countries. It focuses on defining the criteria, based on which it is decided, whether the given phenomenon on the labor market can be considered to be global by the expert community or scientific publications. In addition it attends to the economic recession, caused by the global financial crisis, and to the reasoning, why the nature and the impact of this crisis on the labor market can be considered a relevant criterion. That means that it could be used to decide whether it is a global trend on the labor market This analysis and assessment of the global trends on the labor market includes such long-term effects as high unemployment rate even in the conditions of proven economic growth in the developed Western European countries, which can be observed since 1970s; flexible forms of employing, which were the reaction to the need of manufacturing companies to reduce the amount of used labor force and the growing unemployment rate. In this case it is impossible not to include the deepening differentiation of requirements and criteria on the expert qualification and personal qualities of the labor force. Furthermore, based on the listed aspects, this study looks into and reviews the way, how the relation between proven economic growth and stagnating unemployment rate is evaluated within the macroeconomic reflections and theoretic analyses; from which methodological positions the implementation of flexible forms of employing - as a way to foster employment and solving of unemployment problem or of the economic problems of manufacturing companies - is being reviewed.