Study area with an area of about 415 km(2) is located from 31 degrees 40' to 32 degrees 05' northern latitudes and 48 degrees 45' to 49 degrees 00' eastern longitudes 85 km to the north-east of Ahwaz city, in the north of Khuzestan province, and south west of Iran. The purpose of this study is: (1) the determination of the pesticides concentration in the groundwater of the Shushtar plain (Mian-Ab) and (2) the assessment of geology, hydrogeology and anthropogenic activities impacts the groundwater quality. Thirty-seven groundwater samples were taken from product wells based on the standard methods. A simple and efficient automated method for extraction and preconcentration was used. In this method, a pyrrole-based polymer was synthesized and applied as an efficient sorbent for micro-solid-phase extraction. After extraction, analytes were desorbed in ethyl acetate and analyzed using gas chromatography-flame. The study area is surrounded by Aghajari Formation dominated by silt and clay sediments and the Bakhtiari Formation dominated by sand andgravel. Existence of these formations affects the aquifer sediments and the hydrogeological properties. In the study area, the sediments grade from gravel and sand in the north and east into silt and clay to the south and west, respectively. The topsoil in the south of the study area contains more clay sediments. In this study, the concentration of two common herbicides, i.e., 2,4-D and clodinafop propargyl and two pesticides, i.e., permethrin and diazinon, in the groundwater of Mian-Ab aquifer was assessed. Chemical analysis results showed that the 2,4-D residue in the groundwater has the highest concentration (15 ppm). About 50% of the samples have concentration values more than the maximum contamination level based on EPA drinking standard. The pesticides concentrations decrease from the north to the south of the study area. Pesticides influx to the groundwater in the south of the area is prevented or diminished due to the specific geological situation and soil type. Distribution pattern of population centers, which increase to the north of the study area, and the role of groundwater as the main source of drinking water are two important issues that must be considered in management of pesticides use in the area.