In steeply evolving global knowledge based society and in authentic economies too are up-and-coming the wide collection of complex problems and tasks that can't be understand and solved only by conventional approaches, methods and tools. The deep understanding such new complex phenomena are asking for better fitting methods. Fortunately the progress in ICT, Internet and first of all in Applied Informatics (AI) and Computational Intelligence (CI) can help to overrule several of such problems. Actually the possibility for using advanced ICT, new generations of web products and services but mainly for utilization of Cl are giant jump ahead in deeper understanding complex economic phenomena without historical precedence. In this chapter the author is focusing his attention to new evolving Scientific Program (SP) in General Economics (GE) area called Computational Qualitative Economics (CQE). He shows that CI effectively helps for deeper understanding also conventional complex economic problems even with rather simple CI devices. The great advantage of Cl products and services laying in option for assistance not only in knowledge acquisition and in theory building process but can assist in writing of codified theories and in performance of different digital happenings and in compositions and programming of digital scene for authentic performance of evolutionary stories. Among others this chapter will explore the potential advantages and disadvantages of Computational Qualitative Economics (CQE) so for the analysis of real economies, economic systems, models and artificial entities as for the study of codified conventional economic theories and/or economic theories of main stream. The author is also hints at recent debates about the potential methodological costs and benefits of ICT, Internet and CI use in qualitative research, modelling, simulation, and about the relationship between methodological approaches on the one hand and CI assistance methods of qualitative research on the other. It is not consent to argument that the connection between certain ICT, Internet and CI aided strategies and methodological approaches are far looser than is often assumed. He not means that they can panacea potentials but the gains from using them are significant in wide area of socio-economic research. The Qualitative theory building, writing, endosomatic rebuilding and using by authentic subjects assisted by ICT, Internet and Cl contribute significant progress in cogitation and so in deeper understanding of economies living in global knowledge based society. This chapter is not invented for Computational Quantitative Economics, and/or Econometric or Prognostic Simulations and was limited only to the intentional sphere of positive economics. Similarly it has to be say - from the point of existence of double-fold possibility to methodical approaches the subject that is from up to down (phenomenological approach) and from bottom to up - that this chapter is rest only on using the first one. Primary Classification: J. Computer Applications; -> Social and Behavioural sciences; -> Subjects: Economics. Additional Classification: I. Computing Methodologies; -> Computational (Artificial) Intelligence; -> Subjects: Applied products and services of CI utilizable in CQE.