1. The aim of the present study was to determine the clinical efficacy and safety of chloroprocaine (CP) for gynaecological surgery. 2. One hundred and twenty gynaecological patients scheduled for hysterectomy were divided randomly into four groups: Group A (n = 30), 2.5% CP 1.0 mL; Group B (n = 30), 2.5% CP 1.2 mL; Group C (n = 30), 2.5% CP 1.4 mL; and Group D (n = 30), 2.5% CP 1.6 mL. The dose of CP used in each group was mixed with 1 mL vehicle containing 5% glucose and 1.5% ephedrine. Spinal anaesthesia was achieved by lumbar puncture in the L2-3 interspace and injection of the mixture. Wherever necessary, CP (2.5%) was used for epidural anaesthesia. 3. Although the times to onset and peak effect, as well as the grade of motor block of the lower limbs (Bromage scale), were similar among the four groups, the level of the highest sensory nerve block increased gradually, from T7 (+/- 1), T6 (+/- 1), T4 (+/- 1) to T3 (+/- 1) in Groups A, B, C and D, respectively. The rate of unsatisfactory spinal anaesthesia was 80 and 16.7% in Groups A and B, respectively, and consequently epidural anaesthesia was superimposed in those patients for surgery to start. Spinal anaesthesia was very satisfactory for surgery in Groups C and D. In contrast, the incidence of hypotension in Groups B, C and D was 6.7, 16.7 and 67.7%, respectively; however, respiratory depression only occurred in Group D in nine cases (30%). No other adverse events or neurologic deficits were found. 4. The present results suggest that 30-35 mg CP in a total volume of 2.2-2.4 mL used for spinal anaesthesia in hysterectomy is safe and efficient. The combination of spinal and epidural anaesthesia with 2.5% CP can achieve 100% satisfactory anaesthesia for this type of surgery.