To assess the efficacy of photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) in men with prostates of > 100 mL and causing bladder outlet obstruction (BOO), using the high-power 80 W potassium-titanyl-phosphate laser (GreenLight PV (R), Laserscope, San Jose, CA, USA), which offers rapid tissue ablation with minimal bleeding. We assessed 54 consecutive patients with prostates of > 100 mL (mean 135, sd 42, range 100-300) who had PVP between May 2003 and August 2005. Evaluations before PVP included urine flowmetry, the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), a quality-of life (QoL) score, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level, and prostate volume measured by transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS). The mean (sd, range) duration of PVP was 81.6 (22.9, 39-150) min, the mean energy used for PVP was 278 (60, 176-443) kJ and the mean duration of catheterization after PVP was 23.0 (17.1, 0-72) h. The mean (sd) maximum urinary flow rate improved from 8.0 (3.1) to 18.2 (8.1), 18.5 (9.2), 17.9 (7.8) and 19.3 (9.8) mL/s at 3, 6, 12 and 24 months, respectively. The IPSS and QoL scores showed similar improvements, and there was a statistically significant reduction in PSA level and prostate volume after PVP. There was no major complication and no patient had transurethral resection syndrome or a blood transfusion. The 80 W KTP laser PVP offers rapid tissue ablation in patients with BOO caused by a large prostate. The short- and medium-term outcomes show that this technique can be a viable alternative to open prostatectomy.