The study presents a scientometric analsyis of publications related to 'Artificial Intelligence' research in India during 2009-2018. In today's ICT driven world, artificial intelligence has taken up some tasks of our daily life to make it easier. As a consequence, extensive research is going on "Artificial Intelligence" to find out it's potential in knowledge development. The paper analyses the bibliographic data retrived from Scopus database extracted with a suitable search query. The study was conducted taking the chronological growth of research publications, relative growth rate, doubling time, scientometric profile of authors, document type of publications, source profile, keyword analysis, institution wise distribution of publications, funding agency wise distribution. The analysis was conducted using the MS-Excel. The study reveals that a maximum number of publications are in the form of conference procedings and articles. Artificial Intelligence, Learning system, algorithms, data mining are the keywords with maximum number of occurences. The findings of the study implies India need become more competitive with the world leaders in artificial intelligence research. To get more return from AI applications, the stakeholders are required to play a catalytic role to build and strengthen research capacity in the nation by paving quality research environment, adequate funding, research incentives, and development of IT infrastructure.