With respect to multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM) problems in which attribute values take the form of the intuitionistic fuzzy values(IFVs), the group decision making method based on some generalized Hamacher aggregation operators which generalized the arithmetic aggregation operators and geometric aggregation operators and extended the Algebraic aggregation operators and Einstein aggregation operators, is developed. Firstly, the generalized intuitionistic fuzzy Hamacher weighted averaging(IFGHWA) operator, intuitionistic fuzzy generalized Hamacher ordered weighted averaging(IFGHOWA) operator, and intuitionistic fuzzy generalized Hamacher hybrid weighted averaging(IFGHHWA) operator, were proposed, and some desirable properties of these operators, such as commutativity, idempotency, monotonicity and boundedness, were studied. At the same time, some special cases in these operators were analyzed. Furthermore, one method to multi-criteria group decision-making based on these operators was developed, and the operational processes were illustrated in detail. Finally, an illustrative example is given to verb the proposed methods and to demonstrate their practicality and effectiveness.