Basic courses of mathematics at technical universities usually involve a large volume of the subject matter being studied. Teachers usually concentrate on deeper understanding of the mathematical calculus. There is little time for presentation of mathematical applications. Students thus encounter applications of mathematics in specialized technical lectures. The application examples often appear to them as a new subject and they do not associate them with original mathematics courses. Therefore, it is important to focus on the application potential of mathematics not only in basic courses but also outside them. In this article, a newly introduced seminar on Applied Mathematics, which is realized at the Institute of Technology and Business (ITB), is presented. We present how the seminar was originated. There is a discussion of the selection of application examples and the engagement of students in the lectures. One of the benefits of the seminar is that students have the opportunity to participate in its content. They can choose part of the subject in lectures. The lectures support critical thinking, group discussion of the problem solving. The experiences of the first two years of the seminar are discussed.