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Inflammatory Bowel Disease Increases the Risk of Venous Thromboembolism in Children: A Population-Based Matched Cohort Study
Kuenzig, M. Ellen
Bitton, Alain
Carroll, Matthew W.
Kaplan, Gilaad G.
Otley, Anthony R.
Singh, Harminder
Nguyen, Geoffrey C.
Griffiths, Anne M.
Stukel, Therese A.
Targownik, Laura E.
Jones, Jennifer L.
Murthy, Sanjay K.
McCurdy, Jeffrey D.
Bernstein, Charles N.
Lix, Lisa M.
Pena-Sanchez, Juan Nicolas
Mack, David R.
Jacobson, Kevan
El-Matary, Wael
Dummer, Trevor J. B.
Fung, Stephen G.
Spruin, Sarah
Nugent, Zoann
Tanyingoh, Divine
Cui, Yunsong
Filliter, Christopher
Coward, Stephanie
Siddiq, Shabnaz
Benchimol, Eric, I
[1] Hosp Sick Children, SickKids Inflammatory Bowel Dis Ctr, Div Gastroenterol Hepatol & Nutr, Toronto, ON, Canada
[2] SickKids Res Inst, Child Hlth Evaluat Sci, Toronto, ON, Canada
[3] McGill Univ, Div Gastroenterol & Hepatol, Hlth Ctr, Montreal, PQ, Canada
[4] Univ Alberta, Dept Pediat, Div Pediat Gastroenterol Hepatol & Nutr, Edmonton, AB, Canada
[5] Univ Calgary, Dept Med, Calgary, AB, Canada
[6] Univ Calgary, Dept Community Hlth Sci, Calgary, AB, Canada
[7] Dalhousie Univ, Dept Pediat, Halifax, NS, Canada
[8] Univ Manitoba, Univ Manitoba IBD Clin & Res Ctr, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
[9] Univ Manitoba, Max Rady Coll Med, Dept Internal Med, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
[10] CancerCare Manitoba, Res Inst, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
[11] ICES, Toronto, ON, Canada
[12] Univ Toronto, Mt Sinai Hosp Ctr Inflammatory Bowel Dis, Dept Med, Toronto, ON, Canada
[13] Univ Toronto, Inst Hlth Policy Management & Evaluat, Toronto, ON, Canada
[14] Univ Toronto, Dept Paediat, Toronto, ON, Canada
[15] Dalhousie Univ, Dept Med, Halifax, NS, Canada
[16] Univ Ottawa, Dept Med, Ottawa, ON, Canada
[17] Ottawa Hosp, Res Inst, Ottawa, ON, Canada
[18] Ottawa Hosp, Div Gastroenterol, IBD Ctr, Ottawa, ON, Canada
[19] Univ Ottawa, Sch Epidemiol & Publ Hlth, Ottawa, ON, Canada
[20] Univ Manitoba, Rady Fac Hlth Sci, Dept Community Hlth Sci, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
[21] Univ Manitoba, George & Fay Yee Ctr Healthcare Innovat, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
[22] Univ Saskatchewan, Coll Med, Dept Community Hlth & Epidemiol, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
[23] Univ Ottawa, Dept Pediat, Ottawa, ON, Canada
[24] CHEO, Div Gastroenterol Hepatol & Nutr, CHEO Inflammatory Bowel Dis Ctr, Ottawa, ON, Canada
[25] CHEO Res Inst, Ottawa, ON, Canada
[26] Univ British Columbia, BC Childrens Hosp Res Inst, Dept Pediat, Vancouver, BC, Canada
[27] Univ Manitoba, Dept Pediat, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
[28] Univ British Columbia, Sch Populat & Publ Hlth, Vancouver, BC, Canada
[29] Jewish Gen Hosp, Lady Davis Inst Med Res, Montreal, PQ, Canada
Venous thromboembolism;
inflammatory bowel disease;
health administrative data;
routinely collected health data;
D O I:
R57 [消化系及腹部疾病];
Background and Aims: Although venous thromboembolism [VTE] is a well-known complication of inflammatory bowel disease [IBD] in adults, limited data exist on the risk in children. We report the incidence of VTE among children with and without IBD. Methods: We conducted a matched cohort study within a distributed network of population-based Canadian provincial health administrative databases. Children <16 years diagnosed with IBD were identified using validated algorithms from administrative data in Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec and compared to age- and sex-matched children without IBD. Hospitalizations for VTE within 5 years of IBD diagnosis were identified. Generalized linear mixed-effects models were used to pool province-specific incidence rates and incidence rate ratios [IRR] with 95% confidence intervals [CI]. Hazard ratios [HR] from Cox proportional hazards models were pooled with fixed-effects meta-analysis. Results: The 5-year incidence of VTE among 3593 children with IBD was 31.2 [95% CI 23.7-41.0] per 10 000 person-years [PY] compared to 0.8 [95% CI 0.4-1.7] per 10 000 PY among 16 289 children without IBD [unadjusted IRR 38.84, 95% CI 16.59-90.83; adjusted HR 22.91, 95% CI 11.50-45.63]. VTE was less common in Crohn's disease than ulcerative colitis [unadjusted IRR 0.47, 95% CI 0.27-0.83; adjusted HR 0.52, 95% CI 0.29-0.94]. The findings were similar for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism when comparing children with and without IBD. Conclusions: The risk of VTE is much higher in children with IBD than controls without IBD. While the absolute risk is low, we found a higher incidence rate than previously described in the pediatric literature.
页码:2031 / 2040