In the last century, the process of globalization seemed to finally offer a chance to stimulate an active citizenship in the construction of a common planetary vision, but recently it has proved to be an instrument of homologation, massification, globalization. This was a consequence of the established paradigm of communication - a mechanistic-transmissive one - which has created subjects organized to "produce" and not human beings organised to "generate" and "create". Individuals educated to operate according to increasingly invisible, imposed, non-critically chosen algorithms, as 'humbles' of our time that are renouncing to the 'revolutionary' value of their 'weak' condition, their 'ultimate' culture entrusting the 'intelligence' of their humanity to machines built to be more persuasive and manipulative. This scenario favored the emergence of small, but increasingly powerful, groups, oligarchies in all respects, that have control over physical and symbolic automation systems able to change the world with a speed that humanity, in its brief history, had never experienced before.