This article explores the distributional data of 2440 occurrence records for 1415 Tipulomorpha (Insecta: Diptera) species to search endemism patterns in the Afrotropical region and to propose a regionalisation scheme. The results were compared to areas of endemism proposed in previous works for other taxa. Areas of endemism were established using NDM/VNDM based on a grid size of 8 degrees and consensus cut-off of 24%. In this study, five subregions were found: Arabian, Atlantic, Indian, Southern Africa and Central Africa. These subregions are divided into 12 dominions: Arabian Peninsula, Atlantic Islands, Central Africa, Central Madagascar, Eastern Africa, Indian Ocean, Northwestern Africa, Southeastern Africa, Southern Africa, Southern Madagascar, Southwestern Africa and Western Africa. There is a general congruence of the dominions with the distribution of the main hydrographic basins and divisions of the forests of Madagascar.