Introduction: Examining the research on math problem solving interventions for students with learning disabilities is important for identifying the interventions that will support these students. Assessing intervention studies in terms of certain quality standards provides information about the replication of applications and the reliability of the results. This study aimed to review math problem solving interventions for middle school students with learning disabilities in the last 20 years, list the characteristics of the studies descriptively, and examine them in terms of quality indicators. Method: Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, nine articles were selected. They were investigated in the context of descriptive analysis and quality indicators. The studies were analysed descriptively. Their characteristics were identified. The studies were examined, and their quality levels were determined based on the quality indicators specified for the research using single-subject experimental designs. Findings: Direct instruction, concrete-semi-concrete-abstract strategy, schema-based strategy, self-regulation strategies and hint cards, STAR strategy, open expression method, LAP strategy, visual strategies, Solve It!, and the SOLVE strategy were used for teaching problem solving skills as target skills. The general findings related to quality indicators showed that all studies met the specified criteria regarding the baseline level of basic quality indicators, experimental control/internal validity and external validity. Considering other components, it was observed that the study ranging from 44% to 78% met the specified criteria. Only one study was met all quality indicator items. Discussion: The findings were discussed and suggestions were provided for teachers and researchers. Accordingly, it will be useful for experts working with students with learning disabilities to create intervention programs that include strategies to facilitate students' problem solving successfully, such as problem solving stages, schematic modifiers, cognitive and metacognitive strategies, and think-aloud protocols.