The objective of this study was the first evaluation of carcass and meat quality of Slovene local pig breed Krskopolje. Forty pigs were included in the study, 17 were pure-bred Krskopolje, 12 were 50% crosses with Krskopolje (male was meat-type landrace) and 12 pigs were standard crosses (landrace, large white female crossed to meat-type landrace male). Pigs were group-housed, reared under the same conditions. Pigs were housed in four series within a month, they were slaughtered on the same day; hence pure and 50% Krskopolje pigs were heavier (123 and 118 kg, respectively) and older (244 and 230 days, respectively) than standard crosses (103 kg, 210 days) at slaughter. Pure Krskopolje pigs were fatter than standard pigs, 50% crosses showed intermediate position; the same conclusion can be drawn after the correction for the carcass weight. Valuable cuts as loin, ham, belly, and shoulder were lighter in standard pigs, due to their lower final weight. After the correction for carcass weight, standard pigs exhibited heavier hams and similar weight of loin, shoulder and belly. Pure Krskopolje pigs had an unexpectedly lower pH I hour postmortem than 50% Krskopolje or standard pigs (5.83 vs. 6.15 and 6.17, respectively), but a higher ultimate pH (5.60 vs. 5.50 and 5.45, respectively). Water holding capacity evaluated as imbibing time was similar in all genotypes, thawing losses were lower for meat of pure and 50% Krskopolje pigs than for that of the standard pigs (2.0 and 1.9 vs. 3.0 %, respectively). Pure Krskopolje pigs had more intramuscular fat (3.00 vs. 2.04 and 1.94 %, respectively) or marbling of longissimus dorsi muscle (3.22 vs. 2.85 and 2.54, respectively), more intensive ham color (on 1-5 scale) (4.24 vs. 3.44 and 3.14, respectively) than 50% Krskopolje or standard pigs. The 50% Krskopolje pigs scored higher for tenderness than standard pigs, the pure Krskopolje pigs being intermediate. Meat of pure and 50% Krskopolje pigs showed a lower resistance to cutting (INSTRON) compared to standard pigs.