Pleistocene fluvial, estuarine, marine, and deltaic depositional systems were identified in the uppermost 80 m (262 ft) of the central Gulf of Thailand modern continental shelf, situated approximately 70 m (similar to 230 ft) below sea level. Integration of offshore three-dimensional (3-D) seismic reflection data, high-resolution shallow-penetration two-dimensional (2-D) seismic reflection sparker and boomer profiles, and shallow geotechnical borehole measurements enabled the identification of seven depositional sequences. The 3-D plan-view images at successive time slices exhibit single meandering channels (as much as 600 m [1969 ft] wide) and channel belts (as much as 10 km [6.2 mu] wide) deposited in the shelf during times of subaerial exposure. Additional geomorphic features imaged include incised valleys, interfluves, oxbow lakes, neck and chute cutoffs, and point-bar meander scrolls showing evidence of expansion and translation. The high-resolution 2-D profiles, with a tuning thickness of approximately 25 cm (similar to 9.8 in.), enabled the discrimination of high-frequency stratigraphic discontinuities (sequence boundaries) and allowed a detailed bed-scale seismic facies characterization of fluvial (point bars), deltaic (clinoforms), estuarine, and marine deposits within a sequence-stratigraphic context. The complete succession shows that most fluvial systems lie within incised valleys in the lower parts of each depositional sequence, fluvial channels show a degradational stacking pattern, and no evidence of fluvial aggradation is observed; aggradation is limited to hemipelagic sedimentation during marine incursions. A shallow (<35 m [<115 ft]) single-story incised valley was described in detail, placing particular emphasis on the recognition criteria and the controls on valley formation and preservation potential of different systems tracts in an inner-shelf location. The 3-D characterization of this system allowed differentiation of sand-prone point-bar deposits and mud-prone abandonment channel facies. The sinuous but continuous mud-filled channel may act as a lateral muddy barrier or baffle that can potentially subdivide a reservoir system into discrete compartments.