Over the past several decades a growing amount of research has focused on the possibility of transiently reducing left neglect signs in right brain-damaged patients by using vestibular and/or visuo-proprioceptive stimulations. Here we review seminal papers dealing with these visuo-vestibulo-proprioceptive stimulations in normal controls, right brain-damaged (RBD) patients, and animals. We discuss these data in terms of clinical implications but also with regards to theoretical frameworks commonly used to explain the unilateral neglect syndrome. We undermine the effect of these stimulations on the position of the egocentric reference and extend the notion that the positive effects of these stimulation techniques may stem from a reorientation of attention towards the neglected side of space or from a recalibration of sensori-motor correlations. We conclude this review with discussing the possible interaction between experimental rehabilitation, models of neglect and basic spatial cognition research. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.