A number of interesting and useful studies have been published recently, which, together with several reviews and guidelines, allow a summary overview of some current problems in the field of hospital infections, such as nosocomial bacteremia, respiratory tract infections, the control of multiresistant bacteria, nosocomial transmission of tuberculosis, and some fungal infections. infections due to multiresistant strains are of major concern worldwide, and containement of this problem must remain amongst the highest priorities in hospital infection control policies. Molecular biology techniques are now routinely used to elucidate the epidemiology of outbreaks; for example these techniques are very useful to examine the potential diversity of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and of Candida isolates in suspected outbreaks. The year 1995 has provided its usual lot of hospital outbreaks, including some related to health care practices; some of these have been associated with unexpected features, but all are of value to warn against risky practices and define new reservoirs or transmission modes.