Studying abroad is recognized as a key strategy in preparing students for future international engagements and increasing their cultural intelligence (CQ). Although several studies explore the impact of demographic factors, little is known about the impact of psychographic determinants such as the motivation to go abroad. We analyze the role of cultural boundary spanning (CBS) abroad as a mediator in the relationship between individual motives and CQ in this context. Guided by self-determination theory, we surveyed 901 university students from 46 countries. The results indicate that CBS positively affects all four dimensions of CQ. Structural equation modeling further reveals that intrinsic motivation and high self-determined extrinsic motivation are positively related to CBS and that the impact of these motivations on CQ is mediated by CBS. These findings contribute to our understanding of processes that improve CQ and the roles of motivation and CBS in intercultural interactions abroad. Based on our findings, we recommend that educators include motivation tests in the selection process of exchange students. Moreover, they should consider the negative effect of accompanying friends, and therefore, mix foreign and local students in dormitories, as well as courses and extracurricular activities to support intercultural interactions. CBS skills may be improved through intercultural training, compulsory multicultural team assignments, and university ambassador programs. Further implications of our findings for business schools, international offices, and students are discussed, and future research avenues are highlighted.