A wide variety of laws and regulations has been instituted at various levels of government to manage, conserve, and protect fish and wildlife resources from over-exploitation. Veterinarians may participate in the conservation of wildlife species in a number of ways, including providing expertise and services supporting law enforcement activities related to wildlife. An overview of the developing field of wildlife forensics (the application of scientific methods of investigation to legal issues) is given, with special emphasis on differentiation of gunshot wounds and illegal pesticide poisoning of wildlife species. Carbofuran, strychnine, avitrol, famphur, fenthion, and aldicarb are found in intentional and secondary poisonings in the United States because of inappropriate usage of these commonly available pesticides. Veterinarians trained in the medical sciences can assist in legal cases involving wildlife by determining the cause of death and assessing factors that contribute to an environment that may be unhealthy or lethal to protected species. The proper handling of evidence and the professional preparation of reports that may be used in a court case are important considerations for a veterinarian who participates in legal cases as an investigator and as an expert witness. This is a US government work. There are no restrictions on its use.
US Fish & Wildlife Serv, Natl Fish & Wildlife Forens Lab, Ashland, OR 97520 USAUS Fish & Wildlife Serv, Natl Fish & Wildlife Forens Lab, Ashland, OR 97520 USA