Introduction: biliopancreatic diversion (BPI)) has been shown to be one of the most effective techniques for losing weight, although nutritional education also might play an important role. Our aim was to determine the effect of the combination of a nutrition educational program (NEP) and BPI) on changes in the intake of energy and macronutrients after the surgery. Methodology: this longitudinal study included all patients eligible for BPI) who filled in a dietary record. Two assessments were performed: six weeks before and twelve months after surgery. The nutrition educational program was given two weeks after surgery by a registered dietitian and a 3-day food record was collected for further analysis at both of the assessments. Results: 68 patients were included. The percentage of excess weight loss was 60.76% (SD 14.50%). A year after the surgery there was a reduction of energy (-602.27 kcal [SD 930.19 kcal], p<0.001), fat (-41.70 g [SD 77.87g], p<0.001), percentage of fat (-4.79% [SD 11.38%], p=0.001), and an increase in the percentage of protein (+2.72% [SD 7.10 %], p=0.002). A lower consumption of fat, especially of polyunsaturated fatty acids, was observed in the patients that achieved the nutritional recommendations and in the super-obese patients. Conclusion: The combination of NEP and BPD resulted in an improvement in the nutritional profile, with a reduction of fat and maintenance of the protein intake.