The novel corona virus disease (COVID-19) is a pandemic due to the global health crisis it has created in the world and greatest challenges that it has introduced in this 21ST century. COVID-19 is the the 5th pandemic which was first reported in Wuhan, China and gradually spread into the other parts of the world. This virus is a spillover of an animal virus and then also adapted the ability of transferring human to human. The virus is highly contagious due to rapid spread and constantly evolves in the human population. COVID-19 pandemic is a lot more than just a health emergency, but it is also socio-economic because people are losing jobs and income. The COVID-19 disease affects physical and mental health due to isolation. Moreover, more and more countries are affecting the cases of COVID-19 which are rising very rapidly day by day. Therefore, every country needs to several actions which accelerates their safety health, balance between the protection of health, prevent economic and social disruption due to this pandemic. In the spirit of the solidarity, we all need to be contributing our self to protect this situation. However, every country is equally responsible for determining the measures to prevent or decrease the viral transmission. Government authorizes also trying to act for reduce disease's trajectory and they focus on develop the vaccination and therapeutic drugs. Aim: To find causes, symptoms, awareness, Prevention, and treatment of COVID-19. Conclusion: The world is going by the critical situation and that is COVID-19 pandemic which is originated due to corona virus. Shortness of breath, fever and dry cough are most common symptoms of the novel corona virus. COVID-19 is highly contagious, so we must keep safe distance from other people and wear a mast hand wash our hands frequently. As it were together can we overcome the interwoven wellbeing and social and financial impacts of the widespread and anticipate its acceleration into an extended compassionate and nourishment security catastrophe, with the potential misfortune of as of now accomplished advancement picks up.