Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare expectations of nurse practitioner (NP) job competencies among physicians, nurse managers, and NPs. Data Sources: A quantitative survey was designed using the Analytic Hierarchy Process to determine the essential NP job competencies based on a checklist of 38 daily activities of NPs, which were recorded for a 10-day period. Using purposive sampling, a demographic data tool and a Nurse Practitioner Job Competency Questionnaire were completed by 56 participants from 13 hospitals in Taiwan, for which they prioritized and assigned percentage weights for NP competencies. A qualitative open-ended interview was undertaken to establish the meaning of the hierarchy outcomes that had been obtained. Conclusions: NPs face the pressure of whether medical staff and nurses agree with NPs' perceptions of their role, which can result in conflicts between nurses and doctors. Taiwanese NPs are still seen as assistants to doctors and, as such, the benefits of the creation of this new field of nursing are not being fully utilized. Implications for Practice: NPs should be aware of discrepancies among health professionals as to their role, make efforts to communicate what their competencies include to avoid conflicts, and use their abilities effectively.