Poetry represents an irreplaceable source in human beings formation, both for its role in the construction of identity, aesthetic pleasure, creativity and how to see and to understand the cosmos, as well as for its socializing and integrative function of the individual in a collective context through cultural heritage dialogue while creating relevant bonds. For these and other reasons, its presence is regulated in the curriculum of different educational stages, from the area of communication and representation in early childhood education to literature in different languages both in elementary and high school education. However, despite the assumption of its importance by the educational community and the different voices demanding an increasingly protagonist role in contemporary literary education, the poetic genre is still being the great unknown since its forgotten in a large number classrooms of different schooling levels. Among the various reasons given to explain its absence one of the most repeated is the lack of interest by students in the poetic text, followed by his little literary competence and ultimately the reluctance of teachers who lack to introduce it in the classroom teaching programme. For this reason, our work addresses the relevance of poetry within the contemporary literary education starting from future teachers training formation, because the promotion of poetic reading habits in new generations will depend on them. Based on this aim, a proposal focused on the poetic text as a basis for the development of literary, social, civic and artistic competence of the future mediator, but also and above all, from which to understand poetry as a source of pleasure is presented as an irreplaceable learning tool.