The prey-catching techniques and prey preferences of Hahrocestum pulex (Hentz), an ant-eating jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae) from North America, were studied in the laboratory. H. pulex uses prey-specific, prey-catching behaviour against ants. Ants, but not other insects, were consistently attacked head-on. After attacking an ant: but not after attacking other insects, H. pulex kept its forelegs extended laterally and forwards without touching the ground. H. pities Feeds on ants in preference to other insects. Preference for ants and prey-specific predatory behaviour do not depend on prior experience with ants. As in earlier studies of other ant-eating salticids, three different types of tests for prey preference were carried out, using active, living prey: Type 1 (one type of prey presented to salticid at a time on alternate days); Type 2 (two types of prey presented to salticid simultaneously); and Type 3 (salticid feeding on one type of prey presented with alternative prey of another type). However, newly-designed apparatus made testing more efficient. Preference for ants over other insects is shown not to depend oil level of activity or any other cues from prey movement pattern: Type 1 and Type 2 tests were carried out using motionless (dead) lures, and again ants were taken in preference to other insects. Findings from this study are discussed in relation to recent findings on other ant-eating salticids.