This meta-analysis synthesized over 40 years of research (k = 42 studies) in the social studies for students with learning disabilities. We analyzed the various mechanisms that researchers have used to improve outcomes in the social studies by conducting a subgroup investigation of interventions targeting the following instructional categories: (a) content acquisition, (b) general literacy in social studies, (c) alternative or digitized text, and (d) historical reasoning. The subgroup meta-analyses resulted in considerable variability across study and intervention components. Meta-analysis robust variance estimation procedures were used to aggregate standardized mean difference effect sizes of treatment and comparison groups. Implications for future research and suggestions for classroom instruction are provided.
Univ Calif Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521 USA
Univ New Mexico, Coll Educ & Human Sci, Educ Psychol, Albuquerque, NM 87131 USAUniv Calif Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521 USA