Objective: We sought to define the contemporary clinical effect of increased pulmonary vascular resistance in infants after congenital heart operations with cardiopulmonary bypass. Methods: Fifteen infants (median age, 0.31 years; median weight, 5.1 kg) underwent cardiac operations involving cardiopulmonary bypass (range, 49-147 minutes). Pulmonary vascular resistance was measured in the immediate postoperative period in the intensive care unit by means of the direct Fick principle, with respiratory mass spectrometry to measure oxygen consumption. The effect of ventilation with an inspired oxygen fraction of 0.65, with additional infusion of L-arginine, substance P, and inhaled nitric oxide, was assessed and subsequently correlated with the length of mechanical ventilation from the end of cardiopulmonary bypass to successful extubation. Results: Overall, pulmonary vascular resistance at baseline (11.7 +/- 5.6 WU . m(2)) could be reduced to a minimum of 6.1 +/- 3.5 WU . m(2). The ventilatory time was 0.86 to 14.9 days (median, 1.75 days) and correlated directly with the lowest pulmonary vascular resistance value achieved during the pulmonary vascular resistance study (r(2) = 0.64, P < .01). The patient subgroup with mechanical ventilation of greater than 2 days had significantly higher pulmonary vascular resistance at all stages of the study protocol, and in this group there was a correlation of cardiopulmonary bypass time and ventilatory support time (r(2) = 0.48, P < .05). Conclusion: Increased pulmonary vascular resistance, either directly or as a surrogate of the systemic inflammatory response after cardiopulmonary bypass, continues to have a significant effect on postoperative recovery of infants after cardiac operations.