The authors conducted a cross-sectional study among residents of Delhi to determine the role of ambient air pollution in chronic respiratory morbidity in Delhi. The authors selected a random, stratified sample (N = 4,171) of permanent residents who were 18+ y of age and who lived near 1 of the 9 permanent air quality monitoring stations in the city. Air-quality data for the past 10 y were obtained; data were based on the differences in total suspended particulates, and the study areas were categorized into lower- and higher-pollution zones. A standardized questionnaire was administered, clinical examination was carried out, and spirometry followed. The authors assessed chronic respiratory morbidity by (a) prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms (i.e., chronic cough, phlegm, breathlessness, and wheezing) and airway diseases (i.e., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma); and (b) lung function results in asymptomatic nonsmoking subjects in the two pollution zones. A multiple logistic regression identified the determinants of chronic symptoms. Smoking, male sex, increasing age, and lower socioeconomic status were strong independent risk factors for occurrence of chronic respiratory symptoms. In the comparison of nonsmoking residents of lower- and higher-pollution zones-stratified according to socioeconomic levels and sex-chronic cough, chronic phlegm, and dyspnea (but not wheezing) were significantly more common in the higher-pollution zone in only some of the strata. Furthermore, prevalence rates of bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and chronic bronchitis among residents in the two pollution zones were not significantly different. Nonetheless, lung function of asymptomatic nonsmokers was consistently and significantly better among both male and female residents of the lower-pollution zone.