Predicting the shrinkage deformation is, an important aspect in the evaluation of the long term behavior Of concrete. In this study, experimental shrinkage results for self-consolidating concrete (SCC) and conventional, concrete (CC) are compiled from 25 published investigations into a database. The database includes 93 SCC mixtures and 30 CC mixtures. The shrinkage strains for the concrete mixtures are calculated using the following prediction models: CEB-FIP 1990, EHE, ACI 209R, B3, and GL2000. Various analysis methods including best-fit line, residual analysis and coefficient of variation, are used to compare the predicted an measured shrinkage strains of the SCC and CC mixtures. The influence of various parameters, such as strength of concrete, cement content, filler content, aggregate content, and water-cement ratio (w/c) on the shrinkage behavior of SCC is also included The ACI 209R and B3 models best estimate the shrinkage strains for SCC and CC.. The CEB-FIP 1990, EHE, and GL2000 substantially underestimate the shrinkage strains for both the SCC and CC mixtures. Each of the models, however predicts the shrinkage strains with similar accuracy for SCC and CC.