With the rapid development of earth observation technology, high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (HR SAR) imaging satellites could provide more observational information for maritime surveillance. However, there are still some problems to detect ship targets in HR SAR images due to the complex surroundings, targets defocusing, and diversity of the scales. In this article, an anchor-free method is proposed for ship target detection in HR SAR images. First, fully convolutional one-stage object detection (FCOS) as the base network is applied to detect ship targets, achieving better detection performance through pixel-by-pixel prediction of the image. Second, the category-position (CP) module is proposed to optimize the position regression branch features in the FCOS network. This module can improve target positioning performance in complex scenes by generating guidance vector from the classification branch features. At the same time, target classification and boundary box regression methods are redesigned to shield the adverse effects of fuzzy areas in the network training. Finally, to evaluate the effectiveness of CP-FCOS, extensive experiments are conducted on High-Resolution SAR Images Dataset, SAR Ship Detection Dataset, IEEE 2020 Gaofen Challenge SAR dataset, and two complex large-scene HR SAR images. The experimental results show that our method can obtain encouraging detection performance compared with Faster-RCNN, RetinaNet, and FCOS. Remarkably, the proposed method was applied to SAR ship detection in the 2020 Gaofen Challenge. Our team ranked first among 292 teams in the preliminary contest and won seventh place in the final match.