Detrital zircon U-Pb studies of mudstone provenance are rare but may preferentially fingerprint distal zircon sources. To examine this issue, Pierre Shale and Trinidad Sandstone deposited in a Late Cretaceous deltaic environment in the Raton Basin, Colorado (USA), were measured for detrital zircon U-Pb age by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Two major detrital zircon age peaks at ca. 70 and 1690 Ma are found in both Pierre Shale and Trinidad Sandstone but in inversely varying proportions: 68% and 16%, respectively, for the finest zircon fraction (-15-35 mu m) in the shale, and 25% and 32%, respectively, for the coarsest zircon fraction (-60-80 mu m) in the sandstone. Proximal sources in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, directly west of the Raton Basin, contain coarse-grained, ca. 1690 Ma zircon, whereas distal sources in Laramide uplifts and basins in Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona contain fine-grained, ca. 70 Ma zircon. The results indicate that U-Pb zircon provenance of mudstone reflects availability of volcanic and other fine-grained source rocks rather than simply distal sources. U-Pb zircon provenance studies should routinely include mudstone units because these units may identify fine-grained zircon sources more reliably than sandstones alone.