The Shuangcha megaporphyritic granitic pluton is located in the Liao-Ji mobile belt, Eastern Block of the North China Craton. It mainly consists of megaporphyritic garnet biotite monzogranite. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating gives the emplacement age of 1890 +/- 21 Ma for it. The granites belong to strongly peraluminous rocks for their A/CNK ratios greater than 1. 1. Geochemical data show that their CaO/Na2O ratios are greater than 0. 3. They are depleted in Nb, Ta, Sr, Ti, P, showing arc magma affinity. Simultaneously, they have very enriched isotope characteristics with epsilon(Nd)(t) = -4. 7 similar to -4. 1, I-Sr = 0. 7050 similar to 0. 7110 and epsilon(Hf)(t) = -3. 5 similar to 2. 2, which is consistent with the isotope composition of the similar to 2. 17Ga gneissic granites, fine-grained gneisses at 1890Ma. All these characteristics show that the source of the granites are of low maturity, and the source rocks may be mainly the metamorphosed psammite which was formed by the sedimentary diagenesis of the gneissic granites and fine-grained gneisses' weathering products. The relatively low content of SiO2 (<71%), high content of FeOT + MgO + TiO2 (expect for the sample SC-1), low Sr/Y, (La/Yb)(N), and high Rb/Sr ratios, together with the pronounced negative Eu anomaly show that some metabasalts may contribute the source rocks. Nd isotope modeling suggests that 20% similar to 30% of the source rocks are the metabasalts. Some of the samples have similar Rb/Sr, Rb/Ba ratios with the pelitic source rocks, revealing that there are also minior pelitic rocks in the source rocks. The granites have low Al2O3/TiO2 ratios, metamorphogenetic garnet and sillimanite, indicating that the melt was produced at high temperature and medium pressure; the ascending asthenosphere heated the crust and triggered the partial melting of the source rocks. The granites were the product of stretching stress switching from the extrusion stress, marking the end of the Paleoproterozoic orogeny in the Liao-Ji Belt.