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Determination of Vitamin A in Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals by UPLC-UV: First Action 2011.07
Trisconi, Marie-Jose
Campos-Gimenez, Esther
Jaudzems, Greg
Dowell, Dawn
[1] Nestle Qual Assurance Ctr, Dublin, OH USA
[2] AOAC INT, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 USA
Food technology;
D O I:
O65 [分析化学];
070302 ;
081704 ;
Vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin, is essential for health and plays an important part in vision, bone growth, reproduction, regulating the immune system, cell function, and skin health. Due to the advances in technology and the expansion of its uses, LC technologies are being studied for effectiveness in detecting and quantifying vitamin A in an effort to help determine the amount of vitamin A in various types of samples. For this reason, an Expert Review Panel agreed on June 29, 2011, at the "Standards Development and International Harmonization: AOAC INTERNATIONAL Mid-Year Meeting," to approve "Determination of Vitamin A in Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals by UPLC-UV" as AOAC Official Method(SM) 2011.07. To move from First to Final Action status, it was recommended that additional information be generated for all types of infant formulas and adult nutritional formula matrixes at varied concentration levels, as indicated in the standard method performance requirements. International units or retinol equivalents typically represent the concentration of vitamin A in food and supplements. However, for the purpose of this method, the concentration represented is presented in mu g/100 g.
页码:301 / 306