Bandung since the Dutch colonial era has been known as a vacation destination, so it is known as Parijs Van Java. The local food in this city has become a Sundanese ethnic icon. Unfortunately, now many tourists are less interested in local food because of its conventional-traditional appearance. Apart from that, there is no creativepreunership think tank model where local food is worthy of being part of gastronomic tourism. Therefore, the aim of the study is to identify an interaction model between stakeholders in the gastronomic sector in Bandung Municipality so that it can induce ideas that support entrepreneurship in gastro-tourism. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, using 100 informants as sources. Primary data were collected through in-depth interviews guided by structured questionnaires, discussions, brainstorming, expert meetings, and focus group discussions. Secondary data were taken from publications. Data analysis was carried out through field data collection, then continued by the coding process, data reduction, data display, and finally drawing conclusions. The result showed nine elements of the Salapan Cinyusu or Nona Helix (nine helices) model, which consists of gastronomic businesses that accommodate creativepreneurs; government, workers, suppliers, experts, observers, connoisseurs, non-government organizations, and information technology as bridges must synergize and collaborate to strengthen the existence of tourism gastronomy in Bandung. All elements in the interacting model help to encourage entrepreneurs to come up with creative ideas for managing local Sundanese food.