In an age of globalization and rapid technological growth, society is focusing almost exclusively towards the goal of wealth building, standardization and commercialization of cultural goods. This tendency sets aside the need for revitalization and continuation of traditional local cultures, the creation of artifacts and cultural heritage, which are associated with customs and traditions, values and social relationships. Towards the direction of maintaining and promoting the cultural self-confidence of the students on the Greek islands, in the context of a multicultural society, the project named "Weaving: sustainable growth project" was applied in a total of 128 primary schools. The aim of the project was to promote knowledge for the traditional art of the weaving loom and the revival of a dying technique. During their involvement with the project, the students carried out an in-depth research through the internet using new technologies and books on issues related to the topic. Through their research the students learned about and recorded the types, the names and the uses of the looms. They held discussions with people who were weavers in the past or are still involved with this craft, they visited relevant museums and houses with traditional artifacts. The students under the guidance of their teachers chose the colours and the quality of the threads, used cake bases as circular looms, created wooden frames for the rectangular and square looms, and with the assistance of experienced traditional weavers they began weaving. Their various creations were exhibited to the public and the students passed on their experiences and the new knowledge to the visitors. Furthermore, a relevant information leaflet was produced which included the loom types and weaving techniques, with the aim of keeping alive the memory of this cultural heritage. The whole process has contributed to the connection of the school with society, and the shaping of individuals with meaningful participation in social and environmental affairs. Through this experiential learning, the project offered the students the opportunity to approach the understanding of participatory processes, collaboration and decision-making in order to build the capacity of informed and active future citizens able to contribute to the conservation, improvement and sustainability of the environment. The conclusion drawn from the project's evaluation is that the goals were successfully achieved.