This article reviews and provides a discourse of the issues connected to social communication as a managing tool, not only in psychosocial, but also in marketing. The studies are based on the analysis of literature and individual research. They include the following: communication and marketing relating to psychosocial, economic processes, methods of social influence exertion, means of social communication policy in marketing, Public Relations (PR) as an element of marketing, addressing universal areas of activities, aims and tasks of PR. Social communication is an important tool of management. It supports processes of taking decisions by organization management and facilitates meeting of the established objectives. It is also an indispensable element of marketing, in which the most commonly used means of social communication policy are: advertisement, promotion and PR. Marketing management theoreticians consider public relations as a management function of continuous and planned character leading to a sustainable position of the organization in the market and fulfilling its interests. It is possible by means of systematic research and analysis of firm opinion in the internal and external environment at the same time to apply such means of social communication which are adequate in order to gain and sustain a good reputation of the organization in the community. PR activities are performed as a strategic, planned and long-lasting policy of the company. As the researchers showed they are a vital element of the contemporary complex market. Social community (an indispensable instrument of the operational marketing) is a process of information flow among individuals, social groups or organizations. It is an important element not only in the functioning of the society but also in market activities. The authors analyzed the most efficient methods, taking into consideration positive and negative effects of the activities connected to social communication. During advertising or promotional campaigns there is use made of scientific developments as sociology or social psychology. Social communication policy might stimulate demand for products, increase profits of a company or create new workplaces, leading to success. Specialists from this area make use of all means and generate demand having influence on emotions, needs or concerns through known methods of social influence exertion and symbolism of communication.