Serving as a way to understand the material composition, structure, and dynamic process of the Earth's interior, deep earth exploration is driven by not only mankind's pursuit of natural mysteries but also mankind's basic need to obtain resources and guarantee economic and social development. The first phase of deep earth exploration of China (SinoProbe) was carried out from 2008 to 2016 and tremendous results were achieved. In 2016, the China Geological Survey launched a Deep Geological Survey Project (also referred to as the Project) to continuously explore the deep Earth. Focusing on the national energy resources strategy, the Belt and Road Initiative, and major basic issues of the geological survey, the Project was carried out in Songliao Basin (an important energy base in China) and major geological boundaries and tectonic units including Qilian Mountains-Tianshan Mountains and Qinzhou-Hangzhou juncture belt. The purpose of it is to reveal the process, structure, and forming patterns of the deep ore deposits and petroleum reservoirs, clarify the evolutionary pattern and controlling factors of Mesozoic environmental climate, and discover deep fine structures of key orogens, basins, and mountains by comprehensive geophysical exploration and scientific drilling. Great achievements have been obtained after more than three years of efforts, including a cumulative 1552 km of deep seismic reflection profiles and magnetotelluric profiles, an ultra-deep continental scientific drilling well, a scientific drilling pilot hole, and a magnetotelluric array and a portable broadband seismic array, both of which cover South China. Moreover, significant progress has been made in ultra-deep drilling technology, deep oil and gas discovery in Songliao Basin, and basic geological issues of Qilian Orogen and Qinzhou-Hangzhou juncture belt in South China, greatly accelerating the deep earth exploration in China and further consolidating China's position as a power in deep earth exploration. (c) 2020 China Geology Editorial Office.